About School-Age Therapy Program Referrals

Referrals must be made through the student’s school by the school support staff and are handled on a ‘service triage’ basis (i.e., needs are addressed according to urgency, with safety receiving top priority).
What happens once a referral is made?
Referral are processed through Learning Services and then given to the therapist who is assigned to the student’s school. For occupational therapy, the school therapist will prioritize the referral and place the student on a waitlist until active service is available. At that time, the student will be placed on the therapist’s caseload for consultation.
How are School Age Therapy services provided?
School Age Therapy services are provided on a consultative basis to School District #42. Therapy services are provided using a collaborative consultation approach. This involves input from the student, the student’s family, teachers, and other team members to jointly identify the student’s needs.
Services may be provided in one or more of the following ways:
- assessment of student needs
- consultation with educational staff and family
- program planning
- inservice training for educational staff
- liaison with community health agencies
- involvement with the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process