About EIP Referrals
Anyone can refer to the EIP Program including the family, social services agencies, physicians, any other professionals, daycare, and preschool providers. The family must be aware of the referral and a Request for Service form must be completed. The form can be downloaded and returned, by email, fax, or dropped off at the Centre.
What happens once a referral is made?
For referrals to the Early Intervention Program (EIP), the Admin Coordinator (AC) will make the first contact with new families who are referred for more than one therapy service. Typically, the AC will phone the parents within two weeks of receiving the referral. The AC will then share this information with the Therapy Department Directors and will coordinate a date for the Initial Consultation (IC). For children being referred for only one therapy service, a therapist will be in contact with the family within two weeks of receiving the referral to arrange a time for an Initial Consultation (IC).
How are Early Intervention services provided?
EIP services are developed individually, based on the unique needs of each child and their family, considering the availability of our resources. We work in collaboration with several community partners and resources, such as Public Health Nurses, Infant Development Consultants, Supported Child Development Consultants, Paediatricians, parks and recreational programs, preschools, and daycare programs. Services may be delivered in a variety of ways, including individual therapy, small groups, consultation to parents and caregivers, and parent training and education programs.